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世界小姐的英语表达为:Miss World。2012年世界小姐选美大赛18号在内蒙古鄂尔多斯巿落下帷幕,中国佳丽于文霞击败100多名对手,夺得后冠。亚军和季军分别是威尔士和澳大利亚的代表。

China's Yu Wenxia has been crowned the 2012 Miss World. This is the second time Miss China has been awarded the title.
The first runner-up is Sophie Elizabeth Moulds of Wales and the second runner-up is Jessica Michelle Kahawaty of Australia.
The 23-year-old Yu is a music student who says she wants to become a music teacher. This is the first time for the Inner Mongolian city of Ordos to host the international beauty pageant.

亚军被威尔士小姐Sophie Elizabeth Moulds 获得,季军则被澳大利亚小姐Jessica Michelle Kahawaty获得。 23岁的于文霞是一名音乐系的学生,她说她想要成为一名音乐老师。这也是内蒙古城市鄂尔多斯第一次举办全球性的选美盛事。

世界小姐的英语表达是Miss World.这项比赛由英国人Eric Morley在1951年创办。现在,世界小姐和“环球小姐”(Miss Universe)以及“国际小姐”(Miss International)一起被称为“世界三大选美盛事”。
选美的英文表达为beauty pageant。pageant是盛会、游行的意思。crown作名词时有王冠、王权、花冠的意思;作动词时有加冕的意思。选美皇后通常也被叫做beauty queen。runner-up是亚军的意思。
