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未来十年,你的人生目标在哪里?(What are You Going to be Exceptional at in 10 Years?)

未来十年,你的人生目标在哪里?(What are You Going to be Exceptional at in 10 Years?)


Many people set the right goals, but the wrong deadlines. They want to become a professional blogger, but set a deadline of 6 months, instead of 6 years. This short-term thinking detracts from the big picture, where becoming really good at something takes at least a decade, not just 18 months. 一些人设定对了人生奋斗目标,但却设定错了完成它所需的期限。比如一些人想要成为专业博主,但给自己设定的期限却是短短的6个月而非6年。这种短期的思维会影响你整个职业生涯的规划,要想让自己在某一领域做到出类拔萃至少需要十年的时间,而不是18个月。
“Freedom and success isn’t about taking big risks. It’s about becoming good enough at something society values, so you can dictate the terms for how you live your life.” This was something productivity blogger Cal Newport related to me. “自由和成功与承担巨大风险无关,而是要在能体现自身价值的某一方面做到出类拔萃,所以所你可以决定自己靠什么来谋生。“这句话是关注效率话题的博主Cal Newport告诉我的。
He said that he only knew a few examples of people who had reached success because of unconventional risk-taking. However, he said he knew many people that have tremendous personal freedom because they became exceptionally good at something the world values. 他说,在他认识的人里面只有极少数人是靠冒风险而获得成功的。不过,他还说他认识许许多多的人靠十年磨一剑的努力在自己感兴趣的领域内收获了成功,创造了价值。

Where’s Your Next Decade Going? 下一个十年,何去何从?
Malcolm Gladwell puts the mark at 10,000 hours. That’s a decade of work investing three hours to develop a skill, every day, for almost every week of the year. This is the number of hours it takes to become exceptional at something. Whether it’s writing, programming, music, research or dentistry.
马尔科姆?格拉德威尔 (Malcolm Gladwell)说我们需要10,000个小时的时间才可以做到出类拔萃。那是整整十年的时间,假如你每天投入3个小时去提高某项技能的话。而一万个小时正是让你在某个领域内做到出类拔萃所需的最少时间。不论你所感兴趣的是写作、写程序、音乐、研究还是工业,这一法则都适用。
Ten thousand might not be the exact number. For you it might be 8000, or 16,000. What matters isn’t the exact number, but the kind of long-term thinking that goes along with it. Instead of asking yourself how you will reach a goal in 18 months. Figure out where you’re going to spend your next decade.

My Next Ten Years 我的下一个十年
For my next decade, I’d like to work on becoming good at two things: writing and online micro-entrepreneurship. Writing, because even if I don’t decide to sustain myself as a full-time writer it is a potent skill. Micro-entrepreneurship, because it’s my biggest passion and I enjoy the challenges of running a small enterprise more than what I’ve seen from friends who’ve built larger ventures. 下一个十年,我想在两件事上做到优秀:一、写作;二、小规模的互联网创业。即便是我没有做出成为一个全职作家的决定,写作对我来说也是一项非常重要的技能。互联网创业是我非常感兴趣的领域,我也非常享受它给我带来的挑战,不过我做的规模会比较小点,不会像我的朋友所做那样大。
So far, I’ve put in a little over three years on each of these skills. But, I fully expect it to take at least another ten to become exceptionally good at them. 到目前为止,我已经用了三年的时间花在这些技能的提高上。不过,我还是希望我自己再花十年的时间在这些方面做到出类拔萃。
That’s why I refuse to get frustrated if I don’t make immediate progress or I don’t start earning six-figures immediately. Because I’m still far back on the curve and have a number of years to invest before I can become exceptional. 这也是为什么我不会在事情没有进展或是没有挣六位数收入时感到沮丧的原因。因为我知道自己还需投入更多的时间才可以在这些方面做得更优秀。

“What if I don’t know where to invest the ne